19 oct 2011

Bermuda Love Triangle

It's like you're screaming and no one can hear.You almost feel
ashamed...that someone could be that important,that without them you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless but nothing can save you. When its over and it’s gone, you almost wish you can almost have that bad stuff back so you can have the good.

8 oct 2011

Armour Love

You pull on your armour and put up defences,
why do you want to? Because I'm here to protect you

6 oct 2011

2 oct 2011

El chico no

No, no digas nada. Yo hablaré. ¿Me has echado de menos?
Porque yo a ti mucho. ¿Eres un verdadero tirano sabes?
Me cuesta estar enfadado contigo, pero esta te la guardo.
No te hagas ilusiones.

1 oct 2011


I’m miss mischievous innocent to the bitter end
Make up is make believe so slap it on be my best fried